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Best Supplements for Women Over 40

Best Supplements for Women Over 40

For the last 20 years I have diligently included Beverly International supplements in my own overall health plan and recommended them to thousands of women for two reasons.

  • One, because Beverly literally has the highest quality supplements on earth!
  • Two, because they simply work. I have seen consistent, solid results from their time tested, no nonsense formulas.

There is a reason that Beverly has been around so long when many supplement companies have come and gone over the last few decades.  In fact, Beverly has been around since 1967 - BEFORE I WAS EVEN BORN!

You can count on Beverly to deliver for you again and again. Truly, finding Beverly changed my life all those years ago and I count on them to support me and my clients for the next 20 years as well!

Lean Out

A must-have for women and offers a unique formula that works in two ways to create a metabolic environment optimal for getting lean. First, it helps your body transport fat released from adipose tissue to other tissues like your liver and muscles where it can be burned as fuel. Second, it helps your metabolism handle carbohydrates more effciently. Personally I find I have significantly less cravings for sweets when I take Lean Out regularly. 

Beverly International Lean Out


I HIGHLY recommend women over 40 incorporate Quadracarn, especially if they are experiencing some of the very common issues women have like decreased libido, decreased energy and mood. Most women notice improvements in energy, mood, cognitive performance, sexual health, testosterone (yes, we actually need that too), vascularity, pumps, muscle hardness, stamina, and recovery.

Beverly International Quadracarn

Glutamine Select

Glutamine Select supports the fastest possible improvements in the appearance and performance of your physique by tackling a little known but pervasive condition known as "anabolic fatigue". Use before, during, and/or after training. You can also take Glutamine Select between meals to sustain blood sugar levels while dieting. I notice a huge difference in post workout soreness and how quickly I recover when I include Glutamine Select.

Beverly International Glutamine Select

UMP Protein

This delicious 5-star protein powder will simplify your diet while helping you build and preserve lean, strong muscle as you loose fat, which is critical for women heading toward menopause. Lean, sexy muscle is key to boosting your metabolism and that is where UMP really shines. Did I mention how amazing it tastes? Seriously the best tasting protein powder I have ever tried. AND you can cook with it!

UMP Protein by Beverly International

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